Abstract Digest
As India continues its dual battle – one against coronavirus pandemic and the second against malnutrition - this issue of
At the recently concluded third India-focused implementation research conference “Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research” the nutrition
Data Notes
On World Food Day, we are pleased to release a Data Note summarizing some of the major underlying determinants of
In the fifth issue of COVID-19 Nutrition Digest, we present to you a collection of recently published peer-reviewed resources and
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest brings to you a set of interesting articles on stunting burden, drivers, and learnings from
The celebration of national nutrition month in India, or Poshan Maah, is a time to reinforce the country’s commitment to
What we collect We only collect basic personal data about you which does not include any sensitive information. This does
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, a broad range of stakeholders working on nutrition in India have come together to ensure
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed serious risks to the nutritional status of hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide.