Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest comes to you at an unprecedented time of COVID-19 pandemic. We hope all of you
At a time when physical movements are limited due to COVID-19 pandemic, the nutrition community in India joined in a
The COVID-19 pandemic is generating multiple waves of unprecedented global impacts. Epidemics in Europe and the United States are currently
About Ladakh Ladakh became a Union Territory on 31st October 2019. The Union Territory of Ladakh comprises two districts namely Leh and
When India’s flagship undertaking on nutrition, POSHAN Abhiyaan (or, the National Nutrition Mission) was launched two years back on international
Abstract Digest
We are delighted to present the first issue of Abstract Digest for this year. It has a collection of articles
Data Notes
Appropriate nutrition during early life, coming mainly from adequate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, is essential for optimal
Abstract Digest
In the last issue of Abstract Digest for this year, we present to you a collection of articles on various
“Investments in improving nutrition in the first 1000 days should be considered as long-term economic investments because they improve human