Abstract Digest
The 41st issue of POSHAN Abstract Digest brings to you yet again a tailored set of articles on malnutrition in
Abstract Digest
In this  40th issue of the POSHAN Abstract Digest, we bring to you a collection of articles on the burden
The One Full Meal (OFM) program aims to improve maternal nutrition and health across India by bundling center-based hot-cooked meals
Abstract Digest
Once again, the POSHAN Abstract Digest brings to you a tailored set of articles on issues pertaining to undernutrition in
Abstract Digest
Issue 38 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a series of studies on nutrition outcomes, including prevalence of stunting
India’s policy framework covers most evidence-based interventions, which are delivered through large-scale national programs in place (Integrated Child Development Scheme
Odisha has made more rapid progress in reducing child undernutrition than many other richer states.  Particularly between 2006 and 2016,
Abstract Digest
Issue 37 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a set of global, regional, and India-focused articles on issues pertaining
Children's heights are a bellwether indicator for all the things that can go wrong, or right, in society.   As, Jef