Haryana was established as a separate state in 1966. It has 2% of the country’s population on 1.37% of the
Policy Notes
Rajasthan, situated in the north-western part of India, accounts for 10.4 percent of the area of the country and includes
Karnataka, situated in the south-western region of India, comprises 30 districts, 176 sub-districts, 29,340 villages and 347 towns (Census of
Maharashtra, situated in the western region of India, has a long coastline to the west. It is the third largest
Jharkhand, situated on the Chota Nagpur Plateau, in the eastern part of central India, includes 24 districts subdivided into 260
Areas of Focus
In 2012, India committed to achieving the six WHA targets for stunting, wasting, anemia, exclusive breastfeeding and overweight/obesity and then
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A set of diet-related global non-communicable diseases (NCD) targets, to be achieved by 2025, was endorsed by the World Health
Data Notes
A set of global nutrition targets for maternal, infant and young child nutrition to be achieved by 2025, were endorsed
Policy Notes
Tamil Nadu, situated on the east cost of India, accounts for 4 percent area of the country, includes 32 districts