Building the capacity of frontline workers to improve IYCF practices among marginalized communities in Odisha
2015Bhattacharjee, Sourav; Tripathy, Lopamudra; Choudhury, Prajna

Improving complementary feeding through community-based management of malnutrition in Rural India
2015Murugan, Ganapathy; Gope, Rajkumar; Dhingra, Nidhi

Combating mixed messages: Promoting complementary feeding in Mumbai’s slums
2015Zahorsky, Meeghan; Dalal, Rupal; Athavale, Priyanka

Complementary feeding in community-based rehabilitation centers in Madhya Pradesh
2015Kanani, Shubhada; Ramnani, Naresh

Buniyaad: Foundation for a healthy child
2015Singh, Abhishek

Using participatory learning and action to empower women’s groups to improve feeding practices in Madhya Pradesh
2015Kanani, Shubhada; Singh, Rachna; Baqar, Syed; Mahajan, Uma; Belwal, L.M.

Implementing IYCF counseling centers in Bihar
2015Dar, Shivani; Jha, Rakesh; Sinha, Sudhir; Singh, Banke Bihari; Kumar, Gourav

Improving infant and young child feeding practices through self-help groups in Bihar: The experience of the Parivartan initiative
2015Das, Rajshree; Sarangi, Biraj; Rao, Brijesh; Schooley, Janine

Strategies for improving complementary feeding practices in informal settlements of Mumbai
2015Jayaraman, Anuja; Chanani, Sheila; Waingankar, Anagha; More, Neena Shah; Huestis, Arja; Banthia, Jayant; Pantvaidya, Shanti

The Bhavishya Alliance: A multisectoral initiative to address undernutrition in Maharashtra
2014Bhagwat, Ishaprasad; Sandosham, Surita; Ramani, V.

Leveraging the power of women’s groups and financial services to improve knowledge and behaviors for improved child and maternal nutrition.
2014Rao, Saraswathi; Gray, Bobbi; Metcalf, Marcia; Dutta, Soumitra

Pustikar Diwas: Convergent action to reduce child undernutrition in Odisha
2014Narayan Parhi, Rabi; Saxton, Jenny

Writing about nutrition in Indian newspapers: Lessons learned from the OneWorld POSHAN Media Fellowship
2014Kumar, Rahul; Knebel, Elisa

Panchayat-led nutrition and daycare centres—The Fulwari scheme of Chhattisgarh
2014Garg, Samir

The health subcenter as an effective platform for coordinated capacity building and supportive supervision of frontline workers.
2014Babu, Sunil; Srikantiah, Sridhar

Toward improved nutrition: The Atal Bal Arogya Evam Poshan Mission
2014Das, Pragna; Dwivedi, Mahendra; Sharma, Sanjay; Ramnani, Naresh; Arora, Ranu

Multisectoral initiative to address the issue of nutrition among children residing in the remote and trial, conflict-affected zones of Odisha
2014Chakravary, Nayan; Bhattacharjee, Sourav; Ahuja, Arti; S., Aswathi; Prasad Mohapatra, Bishnu; Nanda, Lipika; Sultana, Farida; Chowdhury, Prajna; Nallala, Srinivas

Collaboration of integrated child development services with self-help groups to decentralize the supply of supplementary feeding at Anganwadi Centers
2014Babu, Sunil; Nidadavolu, Nalini