Nutrition Data Resources


Access to Nutrition Index - India

It scores and rates the ten largest food & beverage manufacturers in India on their nutrition-related commitments, practices and performance.


Anemia Mukt Bharat

This dashboard provides data on anemia prevalence, targets, beneficiaries, interventions and institutional mechanisms.


Brookings India Health Monitor

It brings together real time data, research & powerful analytics of India’s healthcare sector on a common platform.


Champions of Change

A dashboard for monitoring the performance indicators of NITI Aayog’s aspirational districts.


Countdown to 2030 (CD2030)

Countdown to 2030 aims to improve monitoring and measurement of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health with a focus on intervention coverage and inequality.


e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA)

The World Health Organization (WHO) e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA) is an online library of evidence-informed guidelines for an expanding list of nutrition interventions.


Jan Andolan Dashboard (POSHAN Abhiyaan)

Ministry of Women and Child Development’s dashboard on POSHAN Abhiyaan, or National Nutrition Mission.


Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)

LANSA is an international research partnership focused on policies, interventions and strategies that can improve the nutritional status of children in South Asia.


NITI Aayog State Nutrition Dashboard

It provides state and district-wise disaggregated data on nutrition.


Nutrition Atlas

National Institute of Nutrition (NIN)’s interactive Nutrition Atlas provides information on nutrients, nutrient rich foods, nutritional deficiency disorders, recommended allowances and a host of other topics.


Nutrition India

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s dashboard and factsheets on child, adolescent and maternal nutrition.


Tata NIN Center of Excellence in Public Health Nutrition

This dashboard provides a national, state and district-wise status of food and nutrition in India.