

Implementation Notes
In 2011, Project Concern International, along with partners PATH and the Foundation for Research in Health Systems started a project called
Implementation Notes
Bihar is greatly challenged by a low rate of recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. Poor breastfeeding practices
Implementation Notes
Evidence shows that consistent and systematic interpersonal communication is critical to changing infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. Using
Research Notes
In 2014, a country nutrition profile for India was released along with the first ever Global Nutrition Report in November
POSHAN is pleased to release a report on the state of delivery of ten essential nutrition interventions (ENIs) in Madhya
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest features articles on factors influencing child outcomes, delivery of health and nutrition interventions, a Lancet Commission
Two national programs in India ─ the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) ─
District Nutrition Profiles
The undernutrition situation in India is persistent and devastating (Visit the Global Nutrition Report website for India's country profiles). Within India’s
Abstract Digest
  This issue of Abstract Digest features several interesting articles, including two systematic reviews, and two special sections bringing together