

Abstract Digest
In this new year issue of Abstract Digest, we bring to you the much-awaited birth cohort MAL-ED study, two systematic
District Nutrition Profiles
POSHAN presents updated District Nutrition Profiles (DNPs) for 640 districts in India. These draw on diverse sources of data to
Journal Articles
While there is considerable global evidence on the efficacy of cash transfers in improving health and nutrition outcomes, the evidence
Policy Notes
West Bengal, situated in the north-east of India, accounts for 2.6 percent of the area of the country and includes
Policy Notes
Sikkim is located in the north east of India, sharing borders with Nepal, China and Bhutan. Sikkim is India’s least
Chhattisgarh was established in November 2000, following the reorganization of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Its land area makes it
Journal Articles
Despite reasonable economic growth over the past decade or more, the nutritional status of women and children in India continues
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest features several papers from a UNICEF supported special supplement of Maternal and Child Nutrition on
At a half-day event on “Strengthening National, State- and District-level Actions for Nutrition: Insights from the National Family Health Survey