

District Nutrition Profiles
POSHAN is delighted to present the District Nutrition Profiles (DNPs) for all 18 districts of Chhattisgarh, both in English and
District Nutrition Profiles
POSHAN is delighted to present the District Nutrition Profiles (DNPs) for all 50 districts of Madhya Pradesh (MP), both in English and Hindi. You can access these by language preference from the list of districts provided.
District Nutrition Profiles
POSHAN is delighted to present the District Nutrition Profiles (DNPs) for all 38 districts of Bihar, both in English and
Journal Articles
One in two pregnant women in India are anemic. This condition of low blood hemoglobin, the protein component of blood
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest presents two breakthrough studies that take a critical look at the association of water, sanitation,
Data Notes
The World Health Organization antenatal care guidelines 2016 have emphasized maternal nutrition assessment and provision of a set of nutrition-relevant
Journal Articles
The transformative role of women’s groups is drawing rising attention around the world. By organizing, women have been able to
District Nutrition Profiles
Data on the nutritional status of children in India is often only available at the national and state levels, with
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest has a collection of articles that examine trends, inequities, and coverage measurement topics pertaining to