Abstract Digest


Abstract Digest
In this  40th issue of the POSHAN Abstract Digest, we bring to you a collection of articles on the burden
Abstract Digest
Once again, the POSHAN Abstract Digest brings to you a tailored set of articles on issues pertaining to undernutrition in
Abstract Digest
Issue 38 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a series of studies on nutrition outcomes, including prevalence of stunting
Abstract Digest
Issue 37 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a set of global, regional, and India-focused articles on issues pertaining
Abstract Digest
As India continues its dual battle – one against coronavirus pandemic and the second against malnutrition - this issue of
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest brings to you a set of interesting articles on stunting burden, drivers, and learnings from
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest comes to you at a time when the global nutrition research community is actively looking
Abstract Digest
This issue of Abstract Digest comes to you at an unprecedented time of COVID-19 pandemic. We hope all of you
Abstract Digest
We are delighted to present the first issue of Abstract Digest for this year. It has a collection of articles