

India carries an exceptionally high proportion of the global burden of undernutrition and is currently not on track to meet
Early childhood is a precious time in human life– a period marked by rapid physical and cognitive development. Good nutrition
Delivering nutrition interventions during the period between pre-pregnancy and lactation is crucial for ensuring optimal maternal and newborn health. With
IFPRI hosted the first-ever nutrition implementation research conference in New Delhi, on November 9–10, 2016. This blog is the first
The first-ever nutrition implementation research conference in India, “Delivering for Nutrition in India: Learnings from Implementation Research”, was held in New Delhi on November 9-10, 2016. This two-day event convened researchers, implementers, civil society partners and policymakers around discussions related to the coverage and quality of a variety of nutrition services. The conference was based on the theme of achieving full coverage of interventions across the continuum of care.
POSHAN is thrilled to be a part of the International Conference on Maternal and Child Nutrition (November 23-24, 2015), co-organized
The most recent data on India from the Rapid Survey of Children (2013-14) shows that there has been considerable improvement
POSHAN (Partnerships and Opportunities for Strengthening and Harmonizing Actions for Nutrition in India), Transform Nutrition, and 3ie are jointly organizing the seminar ‘Maximizing the nutrition impact of social protection programs in India: What will it take?’, which will be held on October 16th, 2015 in New Delhi.
The first ever Global Nutrition Report (GNR), released globally in November 2014, was discussed at a stakeholder roundtable in New