Data Notes
In the recently concluded National Nutrition Month, nation-wide activities were organized under POSHAN Abhiyaan to address the nutritional challenges in
Coinciding with the observance of National Nutrition Month in September, when nation-wide activities are being organized under POSHAN Abhiyaan to
Coinciding with the observance of National Nutrition Month in September, when nation-wide activities are being organized under POSHAN Abhiyaan to
Coinciding with the observance of National Nutrition Month in September, when nation-wide activities are being organized under POSHAN Abhiyaan to
Andhra Pradesh
Coinciding with the observance of National Nutrition Month in September, when nation-wide activities are being organized under POSHAN Abhiyaan to
“The multidimensional analysis of National Family Health Survey data will help us navigate the health and nutrition programs, and understand
Research Notes
The first 1000 days of a child’s life are a critical window of opportunity for preventing undernutrition and its long-term
Data Notes
India’s Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme, which was launched in 1975, offers nutrition and health services across the continuum
The nutrition community in India is abuzz with activities to observe National Nutrition Month in September 2018. To mark the