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In this 43rd issue of the POSHAN Abstract Digest, we bring to you a collection of interesting articles on various topics pertaining to maternal and child nutrition. This short issue features studies that assess annual trends in wasting and anemia among children under the age of 5 years using national survey data, the relationship of anthropometric failure with child mortality, and the effectiveness of participatory women’s groups scaled up by the public health system to improve birth outcomes. There are also two studies focusing on the role of community health workers (CHWs), namely in providing maternal nutrition counselling to improve child nutrition, and the effect of home visits on infant health.
Below is the list of peer-reviewed articles. Please click on the title if you wish to go straight to the article.
Stay safe and enjoy reading!
List of articles in this issue
Johnston et al. 2021. PLoS ONE 16(11): e0260301.
Gausman et al. 2021. SSM - Population Health 16: 100965.
Anemia Among Children Under 5 Years in India: A District-Level Spatial Analysis Using NFHS-5 Data
Puranik et al. 2021. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Soni et al. 2021. PLoS Med 18(10): e1003838.
Ali et al. 2021. BMC Public Health 21.
Nair et al. 2021. BMJ Global Health 6:e005066.
Newton-Lewis et al. 2021. Journal of Global Health 11:04060.
Kumar et al. 2021. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, e000223.
Kachwaha et al. 2021. The Journal of Nutrition, nxab390.