Towards progress on nutrition in India: Insights from National Family Health Survey 5 (Phase-I)


by IFPRI | October 16, 2021

The National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) factsheets for 22 states & UTs were released in December 2020 and more recently their full reports became available as well. Last year, the POSHAN team conducted a preliminary analysis using factsheet data to examine changes in nutrition outcomes and we continue to explore the available information from the fact sheets and reports.

IFPRI-POSHAN is conducting a series of webinars to share nutrition-relevant analyses of NFHS-5 data with a wider audience. The goal is to learn from each other and strengthen data interpretations to inform policy and program directions.

On September 30, 2021, the POSHAN team hosted the first webinar of the series titled “Towards Progress on Nutrition in India: Insights from National Family Health Survey-5 (Phase-I),” during which participants learned about the status of health and nutrition outcomes and determinants in India.

During the webinar the POSHAN team announced the release of 19 State Nutrition Profiles (SNP) for India describing the trends for a set of key nutrition and health outcomes, determinants, and coverage of interventions. The SNPs and accompanying slide-decks, developed together with NITI Aayog, UNICEF,  IIPS and the Institute for Economic Growth are now available here.

Click here to watch the recording of the presentations and hear the remarks from the panelists:

  • Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary, NITI Aayog
  • S.K. Singh, Professor, International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS)
  • Robert Johnston, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF, India
  • William Joe, Assistant Professor, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG)

If you are using the NFHS-5 data to conduct your own analyses we invite you to fill out this very short form—the estimated time to complete is less than 5 minutes. Feel free to share it with your networks!