Abstract Digest on Maternal and Child Nutrition Research – Issue 36


by IFPRI | November 6, 2020

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As India continues its dual battle – one against coronavirus pandemic and the second against malnutrition - this issue of Abstract Digest brings to you a collection of articles that are primarily India-focused and a few of them discuss measurement of outcomes and implications. Given below is the list of peer-reviewed articles in this issue on the outcomes, determinants and interventions pertaining to maternal and child nutrition.

Please click on the title if you wish to go straight to the article or download the Abstract Digest to explore further.

Stay safe and enjoy reading!


List of articles in this issue

Singh et al. 2020. Epidemiology 10(4).

Swaminathan et al. 2020. Annals of Epidemiology 50: 7-14.

Beckerman-Hsu et al. 2020. Journal of Global Health 10(2): 020424.

Rajpal et al. 2020. Social Indicators Research.

Yilma et al. 2020. BMJ Open 10: e037471.

Panda et al. 2020. BMC Nutrition 6(41).

Rasaily et al. 2020. BMJ Global Health 5(9).

Modi et al. 2020.  JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 8(10): e17066.

Ved and Scott. 2020. Global Health: Science and Practice 8(3): 332-334.

Sharma et al. 2020. Advances in Nutrition: nmaa103.

Pandey et al. 2020. Scientific Reports 10: 17241.

Subramanian et al. 2020. Harvard Data Science Review.

Subramanian et al. 2020. Journal of Global Health 10(2): 020357.