First Things First: Focus on Girls


by IFPRI | January 24, 2019

National Girl Child Day: Focus on their wellbeing (Image: POSHAN team)

India observed National Girl Child Day on 24 January, under the theme 'Empowering Girls for a Better Tomorrow'. Initiated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, various events are being organized from January 21 to 26, to highlight the inequalities faced by girls, and promote awareness on a range of topics including rights of a girl child, importance of education, health, and nutrition. Research shows that women’s and girls’ wellbeing continue to underpin India’s nutritional challenge, particularly in the areas of stunting, wasting and anemia.

IFPRI’s study on stunting in India shows that maternal educational levels, maternal age at marriage, maternal nutrition and access to antenatal care, together account for close to half of the difference in stunting between high- and low-stunting districts.  Another study that looks at the prevalence of anemia among women and children in India, underscores the importance of maternal schooling, among other drivers that have contributed significantly to anaemia reduction in the past decade. Findings of the recent Teenage Girls Survey 2018 (TAG Survey) by Naandi Foundation, which is a direct conversation with girls across India through a large-scale survey, gives some heartening news about the current educational status and future aspirations of a large majority of teenage girls. However, there are serious concerns pertaining open defecation, menstrual hygiene, low BMI and anemia, which need to be urgently addressed.

At an event organized by IFPRI and other partners, to look at evidence on different aspects of women’s and girl’s wellbeing that are critical for India’s nutritional challenge, it was apparent that the manner in which girls and women are invested in, valued and treated throughout the life course, from childhood to adulthood, is among the most salient determinants of malnutrition. The importance of focusing on girls’ wellbeing cannot be over-emphasized – the rewards are intergenerational.

As India marks the National Girl Child Day, it is crucial to examine ways in which adequate education, health, and nutrition will empower our girls to optimize their full potential and maximize their contribution to the growth and development of the nation.