Together for Nutrition 2014: Venue and Detailed Agenda


by IFPRI | October 22, 2014

TFN Agenda Cover PageThe Together for Nutrition conference is almost upon us!  As we break for the long Diwali weekend in India, here are some important details about the conference:


A.P. Shinde Hall
NASC Complex, Todapur Road
New Delhi, 110012

Among other things, the NASC Complex offers a large plenary hall where the main conference will be held, green spaces for tea and coffee breaks, and a large hall for poster presentations and lunches.


The latest version of the detailed conference agenda is available here.  The conference will run over two full days, including a high tea reception on day 1.  The conference features an exciting line-up of speakers, including researchers, policymakers, implementers, civil society members and the media.  Thematic sessions at the conference feature experiences from nutrition success stories across India, including from Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and several other states.  Modalities of working across sectors that will be featured in the presentations and posters include  working with women's self-help group programs, the role of technical support agencies in linking actions in the National Rural Health Mission and the Integrated Child Development Services, using civil society organizations to mobilize dialogue for nutrition at the district level, and several more.

We are excited about what will be a convening of an incredible line-up of individuals and organizations who are committed to keeping nutrition high on the agenda and to making real change in the lives of people on the ground.

We look forward to welcoming you at Together for Nutrition 2014. Watch this space for a final agenda next week, and for details on how you can follow the conference on social media if you are not attending!

Please click here for the conference backgrounder.  And here if you want to know more about why working across sectors is crucial to making progress on nutrition.

Attendance at the conference is by invitation and there is no registration fee.   For new registrations, or to receive your invitation again, please email:  We have very few spaces left!