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Abstract Digest
This issue of the Abstract Digest brings together global and regional research that highlights the multi-faceted nature of the child undernutrition
As noted in this blog post, POSHAN has been supporting civil society partners in convening nutrition-focused solution-oriented workshops at the
Following the success of the short course on 'Transforming Nutrition' which has been run at the Institute of Development Studies
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Often we hear that nutrition is everyone’s business but no one’s responsibility. Here is an example from an Indian state
Abstract Digest
  This issue of the Abstract Digest features a global investment framework for social and economic development, a typology and
For too long, the stories about nutrition in India have been about the bleak situation for children growing up in
POSHAN (Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India) and Transform Nutrition are pleased to announce the conference Together for
Abstract Digest
Highlights: A special open-access issue of Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences on integrating nutrition and early childhood development interventions
Though it is recognized that working multisectorally is critical to ensuring that adequate food, health, and care reach children, it