

Institute of Development Studies, Sussex (IDS)


The Knowledge Services group at IDS leads POSHAN activities to strengthen virtual and physical networks for nutrition at the national level and the state level. Their activities have included performing a comprehensive review of virtual and physical knowledge networks in India; co-hosting an online discussion on nutrition priorities to support revisions of the Nutrition Coalition’s Leadership Agenda for Action; co-establishing Poshan Samvad, an e-network for nutrition in Madhya Pradesh; and documenting outcomes of district-level nutrition knowledge mobilization activities.

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)


The Health Communications unit of PHFI supported development of the POSHAN strategy and is supporting knowledge mobilization at the national and state-level. Their activities have included leading a review of national policies and strategic plans to tackle undernutrition in India; leading a review of the policy and program landscape for nutrition in Madhya Pradesh; and facilitating and hosting the national launch of the Lancet Nutrition Series in June 2013.

Nutrition Coalition

sustainable nutrition security

The Nutrition Coalition is a nonprofit advocacy organization working to strengthen national nutrition policy so that it is founded upon a comprehensive body of conclusive science, and where that science is absent, to encourage additional research.

Save the Children, India


Save the Children, India is mobilizing knowledge for nutrition in Uttar Pradesh. They have worked on developing a background paper on nutrition. Last year they had also organized the Uttar Pradesh media summit on Child Survival.

Vikas Samvad

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Vikas Samvad is convening divisional level meetings to identify issues around malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh and developing and disseminating knowledge and training products such as flipcharts, plays, training materials, and primers on malnutrition and growth monitoring.

Public Health Resource Network

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Public Health Resource Network is working towards influencing nutrition policies and programs in the state of Odisha by creating and facilitating effective knowledge-sharing platforms/forums to ensure evidence-informed programming and implementation. They are also convening district-level planning and networking meetings, which has included a meeting to identify nutrition issues by district and block-level officials in the districts of Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj.


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Vatsalya is working towards influencing nutrition policies and programs in the state of Uttar Pradesh by creating more effective knowledge-sharing platforms/forums to ensure evidence-informed programming and implementation. This includes, organizing, and convening specific knowledge mobilization activities at the district, block, and village levels to understand gaps and challenges on malnutrition. They are also documenting the status of current convergence and collaboration, and factors and capacities at the district, block, and grass-roots levels that support and hinder effective actions for nutrition.