Creating a Common Vision for Tackling Malnutrition in India


April 9, 2019

Stakeholders’ workshop for co-creating a common vision for tackling malnutrition in India (Image courtesy: POSHAN team)

Data on malnutrition in India indicate that the scale of malnutrition is unprecedented in numbers, variable in form and widespread.  No state or no district in India is immune from the challenge of malnutrition, be it stunting, wasting, anemia, low birthweight, or overweight, obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases. For tackling the challenge of malnutrition and ensuring India’s progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to nutrition, an unparalleled action is required from the whole society. Governmental action alone, or those restricted to specific programs such as the ICDS, will not be adequate.

The International Food Policy Research Institute, together with NITI Aayog, has therefore launched a process to align perspectives on the challenge of malnutrition, discuss the actions that are needed from across society, and co-create a common renewed vision, in line with the National Nutrition Strategy, for tackling malnutrition in India. With these objectives, around 30 key nutrition stakeholders gathered at a stimulating workshop on “A Common Vision for Tackling Malnutrition in India: Building on Data, Evidence and Expert Opinion” in New Delhi on 29-30 March.

At the workshop, the participants looked at the present status of multiple forms of malnutrition in India, their determinants and the reach of some nutrition and health interventions. In smaller groups, there were in-depth discussions on India’s progress towards the nutrition-related SDG targets and addressing the cross-cutting issues for various nutrition challenges including childhood undernutrition (stunting, wasting), maternal nutrition (low BMI, anemia), non-communicable diseases (overweight/obesity, high sugar levels, high blood pressure) and micronutrient deficiencies. The groups deliberated on the status of current interventions and policy efforts. They also discussed the next steps that are required for addressing the cross-cutting issues for each of these nutrition challenge.

Prior to the workshop, through an online survey, views were collected from the wider nutrition community on India’s most pressing nutrition challenges, and suggested solutions and actions in diverse areas. Based on the insights emerging from this survey, and the workshop discussions, participants focused on the need to prioritize areas that need more concerted action and research investments. The insights that emerged at this workshop will soon be collated in a report and shared with the nutrition stakeholder group. These priorities and recommendations are expected to provide a grounded vision to the nutrition community for sustaining and accelerating actions for tackling malnutrition in India.

Please click here for some photographs of the event.