Call for Abstracts: POSHAN Implementation Notes Series on Improving Complementary Feeding in India


by IFPRI | April 7, 2015

Source: Flickr

Source: Flickr

Submission Deadline: Monday, May 4, 2015

Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to contribute to POSHAN Implementation Notes (writing support will be provided) and present their work at a stakeholder convening on IYCF later in 2015.

Recent evidence reviews (Avula et al. 2013; Vistaar Project, 2010) have highlighted significant gaps in programmatic experiences with improving infant and young child feeding, especially complementary feeding, in India.  POSHAN’s evidence review (Avula et al. 2013) further highlighted that even those successful programmatic examples that targeted IYCF practices had focused primarily on breastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding, not on the full spectrum of optimal complementary feeding (See below for the World Health Organization’s Guiding Principles For Complementary Feeding).

Source: WHO

Source: WHO

With this gap in mind, POSHAN, together with Alive & Thrive, an initiative to improve infant and young child feeding globally, seeks to identify and document examples of high quality, and at-scale (operating at the district- or state-level) program initiatives that have attempted to improve the quality of young children’s diets in India.  Interventions that include the use of behaviour change communications, interpersonal counselling, community mobilization, mass media interventions and/or interventions to improve the quality of the supplementary nutrition component targeted to children 6-24 months of age will all be considered.

Program experiences that are implemented by or with government programs and have highest potential for application/transferability to states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha, will be prioritized in the selection process.


Abstract Submission Information:

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Form