Together for Nutrition 2014 is Fast Approaching!


by IFPRI | September 11, 2014



The Together for Nutrition 2014: Working Across Sectors to Improve Nutrition in India conference is quickly approaching! POSHAN and Transform Nutrition have been working diligently to provide you with an informative and captivating conference agenda this year. The conference will serve as an important platform for learning and facilitating discussion around the challenging task of bringing diverse sectors together to improve maternal and child nutrition in India. This two-day conference will be held on October 29-30, 2014, in New Delhi, India.

Below, is a sneak preview of our action-packed agenda:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 (9.00-18.30)

The conference will open with a discussion on the need for solutions that cut across sectors to solve undernutrition. The first morning session will cover existing evidence for working cross-sectorally to address undernutrition. Following a short tea break, insights on working across sectors from cross-state initiatives for Nutrition, Health and Food Security, will then be shared, including the Right to Food initiative and the adolescent girls’ anemia control programme. The afternoon sessions will cover experiences from Maharashtra, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh, in moving the nutrition agenda forward through convergence, collaboration and cooperation. The last session of the day will focus on the role of civil society and media in mobilizing cross-sectoral action for nutrition in India. To conclude, reflections for the day will be shared and followed by high tea and poster presentations.

Thursday, October 30, 2014 (9.00-18.00)

The second day of the Together for Nutrition 2014 conference will start with a discussion on actions required for building and sustaining momentum for nutrition in India, and will be followed by presentations on innovative partnerships for nutrition. After a short tea break, there will be an interactive session covering modalities for strengthening nutrition actions at the community level, with a particular focus on women’s self-help groups. Participants will also have the opportunity to view some posters during lunchtime. In the afternoon, sessions will focus on experiences and existing evidence for intersectoral convergence, bringing together actors in women and child development, health, and family welfare to deliver nutrition-specific interventions. The conference will end with a panel discussion on the role of nutrition-sensitive sectors, investments in women and girls, social protection schemes, water, sanitation and hygiene strategies and the public distribution system.

Please click here for more information regarding the conference.  And here if you want to know more about why working across sectors is crucial to making progress on nutrition.

Attendance at the conference is by invitation and there is no registration fee.  If you have already received invitations to register for the conference, please respond and register as soon as possible to secure your place. For new registrations, or to receive your invitation again, please email: